Easy Way to Get the Ghorst Recon Network Ak 12 Skin
Rainbow Six: Siege is an excellent tactical shooter for a variety of consoles, and while it lacks the marketplace for buying and selling skins in other games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, there are still a variety of cosmetics to use.
Rainbow Six: Siege's AK-12 is one of the best guns in the game, on some of the best and most newcomer-friendly, characters, so that begs the question, what are some of the best-looking skins in the game for this particular gun? Skins are rated by their aesthetic appeal, regardless of rarity or availability, and listed with a cost when applicable and convenient.
10/10 Penumbra Cells - Currently Unavailable

Penumbra Cells was available as a seasonal skin during Operation Shadow Legacy, so unless it makes a sudden comeback it's not feasible that this skin will be available anytime soon. Despite that, aesthetically it is very pleasing to the eye, with a jet black and green color scheme.
The splinter cell logo is on full display and makes for a striking colorful addition to a normally boring skin. Truly an excellent skin for someone who wants a subdued, yet impressive addition to the AK-12.
9/10 Feral - Currently Unavailable

Feral was available during Operation White Noise and is unlikely to make an appearance anytime soon in any capacity. Despite this, it marks itself as a striking and visually appealing skin.
The claws of this skin are visually appealing and the colors work well together. This is not to mention that the skin is rare considering its lack of availability since Dokkaebi and Vigil were first released. All around, Feral marks itself as an impressive skin for any collection.
8/10 Diamond - 100,000 Renown

Diamond is a universal skin that is still available in the store for 100,000 renown, a currency available by simply playing the game, among other things, but despite its subdued appearance, it is still a huge investment to actually acquire it. Anyone who knows this may be impressed by a player wielding this impressive skin.
But, in addition to this, the skin is just incredible in terms of its color composition and use of light. It shines when turned or there is a change in light, much like other similar skins. This, plus its color, make the diamond an easy choice for anyone looking to brag about their Siege experience.
7/10 Piranha - Currently Unavailable

During Operation Skull Rain, Piranha was available for purchase in the store. As far as skins go, it is simple and effective. The color combination of gray and orange compliments the AK-12 well, and makes for a great conversation topic when used.
Although this skin may be removed, it is both an exciting look into the potential for future skins, and, for anyone who has it, an even more exciting means of showing off. The skin is both aesthetically appealing and limited in availability.
6/10 First Class Burglary - Premium Battle Pass Rank 98

First Class Burglary is a striking, bold universal skin that is available during the Crimson Heist season, the current season in which Flores is the newest character, by reaching a certain battle pass rank. Its mixture of gold and white wows anyone who knows how much work it takes to get.
On the AK-12, the gun's large size makes the colors even more visible. The texture of this skin is truly unique, and a great compliment to any player's arsenal.
5/10 Thermal Antipodes - 30,000 Renown

This excellent skin is available currently for around 30,000 renown as an epic universal weapon skin. The skin compliments the size of the AK-12 well, allowing players who purchase this skin to view the entire contrast between hot and cold in stunning detail. Despite the universal nature of this skin, the AK-12 is definitely one of the best of the applicable guns.
Crimson Heist's selection of weapon skins has been unique, and Thermal Antipodes continues that trend, easily rising above other similarly priced skins.
4/10 Platinum - $1.49 USD

Platinum is a rare universal weapon skin available for $1.49 on the Ubisoft store as part of the gemstones bundle. It is a sure sign that simplicity is often enough to carry a skin. The gray to black transition is best visible on large, long guns such as the AK-12, and makes this firearm look truly unique.
Players may be tempted not to spend money on such a simple skin, but for those who want a good-looking yet simplistic take on the AK-12, there is no better skin than Platinum.
3/10 Glacier - Currently Unavailable

Glacier is a unique take on the transition style of other skins and was available for purchase as part of the Esport Bundle celebrating season 1 of pro league. This makes this skin exceedingly rare, and it does not disappoint. The skin is clean, with golden highlights to compliment the gray and black transition of the rest of the gun.
The frosty texture on Glacier makes the AK-12 pop, and the recoloration of the barrel makes this skin a unique prize for anyone who has it.
2/10 White Dragon - Currently Unavailable

White Dragon was a seasonal skin for Operation Blood Orchid, meaning that it is no longer available. Despite this, it features highly detailed art on it, a recolored blue barrel, and a simple, yet clean, outer appearance. The skin is highly rare, and also visually appealing.
If players have this skin, as it has been a while since it was available, they should take advantage of its prestige to impress foe and teammate alike.
1/10 Black Ice - Epic Alpha Pack Drop

Black Ice skins are available only as purple/epic drops from alpha packs. Their incredible appearance, rarity, and striking design make Black Ice skins prized among Rainbow Six: Siege players. The transition between blue and white, coupled with the icy appearance, makes this an easy choice for anyone who has it for a particular gun.
Given the popularity of the AK-12, if players have Black Ice for it, it would be prudent to use it, if not for the excellent skin design, than for its prized status among players of this tactical shooter.
Source: https://gamerant.com/rainbow-six-siege-nicest-ak-12-skins-price/
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